Sunday, October 5, 2008

Okay lol this is fun, tagged by Hoo Keen, Jo, Garry n Yee Seen.

Tagged by Hoo Keen
Rules and Regulations:
- Each player in this game starts off with 15 odd habits, habits or little known facts about themselves.
- People who get tagged HAVE TO do this tag and also to copy these rules.
- At the end, ten people HAVE TO be chosen to do the tag and their names have to be listed.

1. I used to have a crush on a cartoon character when I was younger O.o
2. I like to day dream.
3. I prefer watching cartoons rather than movies(most of the time).
4. I read World of Warcraft forums when I'm free because I'm soo addicted.
5. I like going online even though I don't have anything to do online, just being online is fun lol.
6. I like gossiping(yeah odd cuz I'm a guy)
7. When I was 5yrs old I kissed a girl on the lips when all the teachers were watching.
8. When i was 8 or 9 I used to kiss Kai Sheks cheeks in class when I figured something out. I no longer do that :P
9. When I was 11 I used to love playing wrestling with the other guys even though I didn't watch it and had no real idea what it was about.
10. I think my stomach is a little fat, and I'm working on it:P
11. I think my dad's annoying :P
12. I have low self esteem :P
13. I don't like to show off that I can do something if I can do it.
14. I secretly think that people think I'm a doofus sometimes :P but apparently that's not so O.o
15. I like molesting guys with muscular bodies :P feels good LOL

Tagged by Garry & Yee Seen & Jo
Well since Yee Seen was the last person to leave a comment on my blog :P

Dear Yee Seen,
I don't really know how to tell you this, but I'll join the monastery. I think i realized it when first of May in your camping car and I saw you sit on my John F. Kennedy-statue. I'm sure you're scarred enough to understand how awful I've felt. I'm returning your ring to you, but I'll keep your criminal record as a memory. You should also know that I always will try to forget our friendship.

Good luck on your short-term leave from jail,

Well that was fun!! Theres no point tagging anyone cuz all the ppl that read my blog have been tagged anyways! LOL. Well WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL GUYS! now that just sucks..:P

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